How Do Armatherm™ Products Save Energy?

Infrared thermal imaging exposes areas of buildings where heat is escaping through thermal bridges. Designing thermal breaks into the project will improve the overall energy efficiency performance.


We are a collaborative partner who can address thermal bridging concerns in building designs from the foundation to the roof.

  • Armatherm will help identify areas susceptible to thermal bridging.
  • Suggest strategies and products to address those areas of conductive heat loss.
  • Provide guidance to select the correct thermal break products and applications.
  • We stock thermal break products and are ready to ship in days not weeks.
  • Armatherm has outstanding customer service, fast turnaround and reliable delivery.
Thermal insulation material used in structural components overview

Thermal Bridging Solutions

Armatherm™ is one of the leading suppliers of structural thermal break materials for the construction industry. Our goal is to provide architects, structural engineers and building design professionals with effective solutions to prevent thermal bridging.

Thermal bridging has been recognised as a significant factor in building envelope heat loss. Armatherm™ thermal break materials have low thermal conductivity and high strength and have been designed and tested to prevent thermal bridging.

Armatherm™ thermal bridging solutions can be used anywhere a penetration or transition exists in a building envelope creating a thermal bridge. Armatherm™ structural thermal break materials minimise heat loss at balcony, canopy, parapet, masonry shelf angle and cladding connections.


The Future of Thermal Insulation

What our clients
think about us

“I can always trust that ARMATHERM will deliver a reliable product on time. Their deep knowledge of the industry allows them to aid in project planning and design. ARMATHERM goes out of their way to help their customers get the service they need.”

Andrew Sarlo, Cives Steel Co.

“The team is always very helpful and persistent in delivering the best service possible for the customer and the project. At one point to went the extent of renting a U-Haul to get the product down to Raleigh when the carrier dropped the ball half way down from Mass. Excited for more opportunities ahead!”

James Clark, White Cap

“Dirigo Drywall can count on Armatherm to deliver quality thermal break products for our building projects that increase the building’s energy efficiency and help us meet energy compliance goals.”

Nathan P. Croteau, LEED-AP

“Armatherm was very accommodating with their customer service team in the release and delivery of materials to meet the schedule of the project. They also provided the necessary engineering information for us to ensure the product performed as required. Overall it was a smooth experience from Design to P.O. to Installation.”

Andrew Boesch, Eastern Exterior Wall Systems

“ARMATHERM has a commitment to producing quality products and excellent customer service that is second to none in their industry.  They are extremely easy to work with and hold true to their quoted lead times. The Steel Supply Company can count on ARMATHERM to deliver quality thermal break products for our building projects that increase the building’s energy efficiency and help us meet energy compliance goals.”

Frankie, The Steel Supply Company

“The quote came quick, short lead time/fast delivery, no troubles with installation, great technical support & most important – competitive pricing! We are also happy to support a local Massachusetts business!”

Pierre Gagnon, New England Finish Systems

“Armatherm products have been useful in addressing thermal bridging challenges in our projects. Armatherm products insulate many of the difficult structural thermal bridging details GPC Green Builders often encounter. The quoting is quick, the products are shipped on time, and the customer service is great.”

Ben Bogie, BPC Green Builders

“We are very happy with your service and dedication to your customers. I have found through the years your lead times are always in line with our requirements. I have talked to the shop and field and they have no issues with your product or installation. Keep up the good work.”

Paul Rosenthal,Novel Iron Works

“We utilized Armatherm’s thermal breaks to interrupt thermal bridges in several locations. From shelf angles, to dunnage, to door thresholds, Armatherm products offered the right balance of thermal performance and strength, and were simple to coordinate with our exterior wall details.”

Louis Koehl AIA CPHD, Handel Architects


Thermal break articles

The Impact of Thermal Bridging on Indoor Air Quality

mold in corner of the white ceiling and window, with white rusty heat pipe
Thermal break articles

Meeting Net Zero with Innovative Construction Solutions

Thermal break articles

Armatherm upcoming events

An Armatherm stall with various product banners relating to Armatherm products up for display
Thermal break articles

The importance of using thermal break materials with the right compressive strength

Steel canopy balcony image illustrating thermal bridging solutions highlighting tension and compression factors.
Thermal break articles

Armatherm™ partners with Hanley Wood offering thermal bridging webinar

Armatherm feature in Hanley Wood publication
Thermal break articles

How to make flat roof systems energy efficient

Armatherm flat roof application
Thermal break articles

Armatherm achieves Passivhaus Column Base certificate

Certified Component Passive House Institute badge
Thermal break articles

Thermal breaks are the missing links in continuous insulation

Glass building reflecting surrounding structures
Thermal break articles

Ultra-high strength polyurethane can control heat loss through steel framing

Large structural project highlighting the use of Armatherm materials
Thermal break articles

Armatherm: Effectively isolating cold storage facilities

Modern building with architectural glass facade, low-angle view

Get in touch

Ready to talk about structural thermal breaks?

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